Kansas City: barbecue, fountains, jazz, and...radon?


According to the EPA, 1 in 15 homes in the United States has a high level of radon. Radon is a naturally-occurring radioactive gas and a class-A carcinogen. It is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S. (second only to smoking). The EPA, Surgeon General, and CDC all recommend having a radon test performed prior to buying a home. However, radon levels change in your home with the seasons and naturally in the soil over time. Because of this I recommend having your home tested every two years. Most of the Kansas City metro is designated by the EPA as a “Zone 1” radon location. Statistically, this means KC residents have a significant risk of high radon exposure. Every home in Kansas City has some level of radon. The only way to know if the radon level in your home is serious enough to address is to have a test performed by a professional. If you are interested in learning more about radon or would like to schedule a radon test give me a call at (816)591-5615.

Learn more at: https://nrpp.info/consumers/


‘Tis the (Radon) Season


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