Services & Pricing
Standard Inspection
We visually inspect the major systems and components in order to communicate the condition of your home. A clear picture of your property will help you make important decisions for your family’s future. We work independently from other parties, providing an unbiased professional opinion about the condition of your home. A thorough home inspection can help identify problems that could be resolved before they turn into costly repairs in the future. If we do find an issue we will make a recommendation on what your next step should be.
• $390 (up to 3,000ft²)
• $420 (3,001-4,000 ft²)
• for properties over 4,000 ft² please call for price quote
Package Deal
• $750 inspection plus radon, termite, and sewer (up to 3,000 ft²)
• $780 inspection plus radon, termite, and sewer (up to 3,001-4,000 ft²)
• for properties over 4,000 ft² please call for price quote
• same price as single unit property plus $75 per each additional unit
5 point inspection
• $350 (Roof, Structure, HVAC, Electrical, & Plumbing only)
Condo Inspection
• $350 Condo Inspection (no exterior inspection)
Radon Testing
Radon gas is a naturally-occurring radioactive gas that can cause lung cancer. According to the EPA nearly 1 in 15 homes in the United States has a high level of radon. The EPA has designated most of the Kansas City metro as “Zone 1” radon areas. This means that statistically Kansas City is an area with even higher radon level than the national average. Every home in Kansas City has some level of radon, but the only way to know if the radon level is serious enough to address is to have your home tested.
• $140
Termite/Wood Destroying Insect Inspection
Each year termites cause more damage to homes than fires, floods, and earthquakes combined. Along with termites other wood destroying insects like carpenter ants, carpenter bees, and wood boring beetles are common in Kansas City. These insects can do considerable structural damage that is often difficult to notice without an untrained eye. Let us help you ensure your home is protected by having an inspection performed by a licensed professional.
• $110
Sewer Scope Inspection
Your plumbing system may show symptoms of sewer line damage or the damage may be impossible for you to notice. In many Kansas City neighborhoods sewer lines are made of cast iron - which corrodes over time, and clay - which can become brittle and crack. Soil settling, tree roots, and flushed objects (“user error”) can cause damage to your sewer line which may cost thousands of dollars to repair. The only way to know your sewer line is clear is to have it inspected with a specialized camera scope by a trained professional.
• $210